I have been drawn to the land lately and have felt the desire to explore landscape photography. Go figure!? My experience in this genre of photography is very limited (pretty obvious in these pictures) but I have learned that it is possible to capture emotion in landscapes. I need a lot of practice but I do like these pictures....they feel like Thanksgiving in Idaho to me.
Speaking of Thanksgiving. We just had the best one!! We spent almost 5 days in Boise visiting my dad. It was so nice to have five days to hang out with family, relax, eat delicious food at every meal, and make lasting memories. My kids had the time of their lives. They each brought home a small stash of "stuff they got in Idaho" basically random odds and ends that they gathered from around the house and then asked if they could keep. They are each thrilled with their new "toys". It was a great way to kick off the holiday season that in truth, I haven't been looking forward to. Thanks to this weekend, I'm feeling more excited about the upcoming month.
I'll describe how I feel about Twilight in three words and I'll even throw in a little alliteration for all you fancy folk.
and now for some footage. : )
The forbidden bowl of soup...this was Lorena's idea. Isn't she a genius?Michelle was dreaming about Edward. Oh who am I kidding? We all were. It's hard not to. He's DREAMY!I couldn't help but capture the irony! "How long have you been 17?" "A long time." Sweet seats for the flick. Hurray for advanced tickets! We had such a blast!! The Forks High baseball shirts were handmade by the lovely Lorena and Carol. Apparently I didn't place my order in time and therefore didn't get one. :( They say Cullen 17 on the back. Michelle, Carol, Stephanie, Kathy, Meagan, Ashely, Lorena, and me.
My friend Elisha just had her third daughter and I asked if I could take some pictures of her new bundle of joy. These precious moments almost make me want to try for a fourth.
I have been reading from the
Tao Te Ching lately. The Tao Te Ching was written in China roughly 2,500 years ago at about the same time when Buddha expounded the Dharma in India and Pythagoras taught in Greece. The Tao Te Ching is probably the most influential Chinese book of all times. Its 81 chapters have been translated into English more times than any other Chinese document.
The Tao Te Ching provides the basis for the philosophical school of Taoism, which is an important pillar of Chinese thought. Taoism teaches that there is one undivided truth at the root of all things. It literally means:
Tao (the way)
Te (strength/virtue)
Ching (scripture)
It is brilliantly simple and completely confusing all at the same time. As I understand it, that is why it is so powerful. This particular verse (among others that I have yet to post here) has really resonated within me.
Verse 20
Stop thinking, and end your problems.
What difference between yes and no?
What difference between success and failure?
Must you value what others value,
avoid what others avoid?
How ridiculous!
Everyone else is joyous
as if enjoying the greatest feast,
or going up the terraces in spring.
I alone am drifting without direction,
like a baby who has not yet smiled.
I alone am moping as if I had no home.
Everyone else has more than they need,
I alone seem in want.
I have the mind of a fool, how confused I am!
Other people are bright and clever,
I alone am dark.
Other people are alert and self-assured,
I alone am dull and muddled.
I am unsettled like the waves of the sea,
like the restless wind.
Everyone else has a purpose,
I alone am stubborn and awkward.
I am different from other people,
Even so, I am nourished by the Great
Photo credit to Claire Noire. An oldie but a goodie. Thank you!I feel like this image really reflects how I feel about this verse and in general. : )
I seriously cant remember the last time I was this excited to go to the movies.
Does he really have to be this hot? Honestly!
And as if it couldn't get any better, this is what I have to look forward to next weekend...
The best part?? I have this to look forward to EVERY SINGLE DAY!
How lucky am I??