Matias had his birthday party on Saturday. It was a huge success. We invited a TON of kids and almost everyone was able to attend. That made for a very lively group of 5 and 6 year olds. I'm so happy that we didn't plan a lot of structured games or activities because everyone just wanted to run around wild playing rambunctiously. A bunch of boys ended up in my bedroom, making movies on my computer. (...the only room I left uncleaned before the party. My thinking was that there is no way anyone will want to be in MY room during the party...pshhhaa right I should have known better.)
The only thing I can think of is that there were so many kids, no one remembered who's birthday it actually was....
Most of the boys had a gun or a sword (or a wolverine claw) and were running circles around the house chasing each other. There was some sliding down the stairs on tummies and lots of screaming and yelling. The girls on the other hand decided that they wanted to dress up and quietly play princesses well out of the line of fire from the boys. It was a lot of fun! Steven was in charge of the games. We played musical chairs, and had a bunk pinata. (By bunk, I mean that the hook that held it on the rope broke so it was full but we couldn't hit it. It just laid there on the floor lifeless. Steven had to break it open with his hands to send the candy flying.) Leah stayed around to help me manage nearly 20 kids and I was SO THANKFUL that she was there. True to form, she swept the floor, picked up the garbage from the gifts, and basically left my house looking like I didnt just host a crazy party. What a gem that girl is. :) All in all, it was a great party.