Yesterday was Steven's day off so we decided to take the kids sledding. We have been getting a ton of snow lately and it made for a really fun day.

Let the games begin!!

This was Sophia's reaction to Isaiah coming down the hill.

This was Isaiah's reaction.

He has the most amazing eyes.

Sophia wanted to have a turn after watching Isaiah. Unfortunately for her it went a little something like this...


Total wipe out. This broke my heart and made me laugh at the same time. My poor baby!

Matias didn't need a sled, he just used his bum and had a grand ol' time.

This is what tends to happen when you don't use a sled.

I love the mood of this picture.

This picture cracks me up. I looked over to snap this shot and the only thing I could see was this frozen, confused look on Sophie's face. I snapped about five or six of these and they were all the same.

She didn't even blink . I think she was reliving her wipe out and was still in shock over it.

Matias decided to smash snow all over his face which prompted Sophie to laugh and point and say..."Matias is Santa!"

This girl was frozen solid!

These two did the most sledding of all of us. Matias couldn't get enough, therefore neither could Steven. :)

Doesn't this look like so much fun?

Isaiah thought it would be funny to throw this massive snowball at his dad.

It was, and Steven took a beating!

It went on for several minutes...I enjoyed watching this very much!

I'm kind of sad that I wasn't able to be in the "family picture" but someone had to take the shot.

This was my token picture to prove that I was in fact there. We really had a great time. It was the perfect day for sledding. We cant wait to go again.